
Crowd sourcing

Tweuus maintains contacts with various experts in the areas of management, commerce, legal & compliance, finance and IT and can assist companies in contacting staff or temporary labour force. We call it Crowd sourcing. The focus is on experts with a background in the leasing world, not just with a focus on equipment leasing, but also with a focus on specific areas, amongst which car leasing.

The pool of experts is mainly available for SME’s.

For positions with a part-time or full time activity and for fixed or variable services.

Availability is constantly on the move, therefore profiles are only provided upon request.

The current economic climate makes that scarcity prevails and no recent overview is made available.

See at the end of the page for a dedicated contact form about availability or make use of the contact form for general information.


For your information: Tweuus is only assisting in the first contact, after which employer and future employee make their own arrangements.

As an employer, the below contact form may be used, when looking to filling a permanent post or looking for staff for a project.

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Within Tweuus, lease expertise is available too, when one is looking to address all kind of combinations of lease aspects, on either a strategic, tactical/operational or executory level.

A changing leasing landscape

Many questions arise with the upcoming changes in lease accounting rules for large (IFRS compliant) companies. There is a lot to arrange, especially in the areas of balance sheet presentations, cash flow statements, breakdown of costs within various categories in the profit and loss accounts and the (additional) disclosure requirements. IFRS 16 Leases, as far as known, is becoming mandatory as of 1 January 2019.

From experience, we know that analists will request in depth information well in advance of the start date. If only to get a feeling whether a company is really on top of the issue.

Any effects on SME’s? Formally, there shouldn’t be any, however, Tweeus will keep a keen eye on developments!


Lease Reporting Model – LRM

Tweuus developed a model to calculate the effects of the upcoming changes in lease accounting for your current lease portfolio. A multitude of issues require attention: accounting policies to start with, but also making choices about the transition itself.

The same model can be applied to compare:

  • fiscal/commercial or
  • SME/non-SME or
  • IAS 17 versus IFRS 16.

In addition to ‘big brother’-LRM, a Lease Transition Module has been developed. The module highlights the effects of the transition from IAS 17 to IFRS 16 for lessees. It’s an ideal tool when having multiple lessors.

Interested? Request the English version via web page contact.

Registration of interest in Experts

Make your interest known via the below contact form.

    Please, check one (1) of the below options:

    Please, check one of both options:

    Note: Tweuus reserves the right not to supply the requested information if you are not considered to fit in the target audience. In that case, the data provided to which you need to agree below, will not be included in the Tweuus contacts data base

    I agree to recording my data in the Tweuus contacts data base.