Indexing a minimum amount for low value leased assets 2024

Werk in uitvoering ...This article is about “Leased assets of low value” and accounting when applying IFRS 16.

Tweuus has been reporting on indexing of Leased assets of low value every year since 2017.

Via an exception in the IFRS 16 rules, a so-called ‘practical expedient’, simplified accounting and reporting is allowed for leased assets with an original value -as at the beginning of 2016- of up to US$5,000.
The accompanying information to IFRS 16 states, that the said amount can be indexed annually.

Applying low value leased assets clearly simplifies the administration.

Due to rising inflation, indexing now has more attention than before.

Using the form below, request the article in which Tweuus covers annual indexation for free until the end of January 2023.

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    De drempelwaarde van nieuwe geleasede activa van geringe waarde zou bij toepassing van IFRS 16 jaarlijks geïndexeerd moeten worden. In een separate retour e-mail van dit verzoek ontvang je tot eind januari 2024 het artikel met uitleg gratis. Na januari is het artikel verkrijgbaar in de webwinkel. /
    The threshold value for Low Value Leased Assets when applying IFRS 16 should be indexed annually. You will be receiving the article with explanations in a separate e-mail to this request for free up to the end of January 2024; thereafter, one is free to visit the web shop for a copy.

    Onderstaand kun je aangeven of je gegevens gedurende 6 of 18 maanden mogen worden behouden, dan wel eind van de maand zullen worden verwijderd uit de Tweuus database. /
    Below, one can indicate whether data provided may be kept in the Tweuus database for 6 or 18 months or should be removed at the next month-end.

    Je aanvullende bericht / Your additional message. Please indicate so when article is requested in English.

    Your administration is not only simplified when applying leased assets of low value, the benefit of leasing (preservation of cash) also plays a role. For an example ‘how to’, request (in the above comments box) the article Accounting for low-value leased or visit the web shop directly.

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